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SOHI 02-18-2013 06:08 PM

I rest my case

k3k0a 02-18-2013 06:37 PM

[QUOTE=k3k0a;3357892]Feels like I got shafted today. Granted, I was on the top floor which didn't get much traffic. I didn't see any judge stop by my car. The judging was supposedly done by separate judges who had their own class. After a judge looked over the car, they would put a small sticker with their initials on the windshield. I was by my car the entire show and nothing. A friend of mine had asked one of the officials why my car didn't have a sticker for judging and he said that "they ran out of stickers" I think there may have been only like maybe 8 other cars in the class. Besides that, the car which took first in class, had obvious scratches on the bumper and the front lip didn't fit properly on the car. I'm not saying that I should've won, but I don't understand how a car with obvious visual defects would rate first in class.

Venting aside, this was the first car show that I put my car in. I actually had a good time despite what I previously said. Felt good to have people stop by and enjoy my car.

Btw, who VIP's a STI? Just saying...[/QUOTE]

lol i didnt even post this, my friend did this last night and he just told me about it now. i am a very quiet and reserved person, i saw all the judges just walk past my car and i was wondering why the subaru judge didnt look at my car when i saw him look at the 4 other subaru's on that roof, and when my friend asked them about the judging process they disrespected him. I bet if you worked on detailing the car the whole day before.. paying 45 dollars to get in.. waiting there for 6 hours and being in the show but NOT being in the show would make anyone mad... but oh well i had fun and it seemed like everyone who came to look at my car enjoyed it.. i really dont care if anyone doesnt like my car because its MY car... with that said im in agreement with the whole why would u VIP a STi... but who cares what I or other people think.. its YOUR car do what u like to it, if you get flamed oh well life goes on. congratulations on the win stigirl808, there is always next time

caterpill 02-18-2013 06:38 PM

My i-club sticker was stuck to my old cracked windshield :(

dang it. I just remembered.

2.5 DOHC 02-18-2013 08:32 PM

I thought the show was pretty good. Quite a variety of cars there, some needed a lot of help ! Lol !! As far as vip sti's go, not a fan, but the car stood out !! There were a few cars that looked like they would be fun to drive. The Subarus looked good though. Maybe I'll get my car ready for the next show,then we'll see if form can truly beat function. Congrats to stigirl808 on the win.

04sleeper 02-18-2013 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=SOHI;3358224]The hope of people stepping up an shutting down idiots like him. Times changed man why has he not been flamed so bad he stfu. Why don't people say hey you started showing up to meets so we stopped showing up. I had a car cruise and you weren't invited cause your an idiot....[/QUOTE]

hey stfu i flame them all the time but i can only do so much.

SOHI 02-18-2013 10:45 PM


04sleeper 02-18-2013 11:03 PM

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358208]Read wrong again. I can give tips on interpretation.[/QUOTE]

dude you are the last person that should be giving out tips to anyone. i bet you'd have all kinds of problems taking the hairpins on Tantalus @ 30 while staying in the "correct" lane avoiding hikers. you know how i know what you say is noob speak?

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190] Speed limit. [/QUOTE]

speed limit on Tantalus is 25

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190] Hairpin.[/QUOTE]

you probably need to look up the definition of understeer

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190] 30mph.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190]Downhill. [/QUOTE]

again refer to understeer

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190]Stay in lane.[/QUOTE]

i hope that while sunday driving at the "speed limit" you could keep it between the lines. not all of us have a problem with that even while doing some spirited driving.


your tires would break loose before you pulled enough G's for it to be more exciting than driving to the grocery store

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190] Legal.[/QUOTE]

not even going to touch the legal part because i think we covered this with the 30>25

[QUOTE=PSBeachBum;3358190]Still fun without blasting through roads with random hikers.[/QUOTE]

if hikers are walking in the middle of the road where they can get run over then thats natural selection at its finest.

bottom line is your definition of fun is way different than most so before you offer to give someone lessons on interpretation, make sure you speak the same language. class dismissed

04sleeper 02-18-2013 11:08 PM

oh and to the VIP chick, why don't you just be you and not try to be different? you not good enough?

inspire420 02-18-2013 11:10 PM

I miss you guys, made my night hahaha now back to ig

keonigt 02-18-2013 11:11 PM

Lol you just tore his post apart....

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid to post now lol.

04sleeper 02-18-2013 11:21 PM

don't be afraid to post. nobody is going to come and hunt you down for saying something stupid, we were all new once. just know who you are talking to and what you're talking about before you whip out your epeen and step up. take the flaming i stride and if you get butthurt easily try not to let it show. it's like chumming the water.

04sleeper 02-18-2013 11:22 PM

[QUOTE=inspire420;3358403]I miss you guys, made my night hahaha now back to ig[/QUOTE]

we miss you too....who is this guy? ;)

inspire420 02-18-2013 11:48 PM

[QUOTE=04sleeper;3358410]we miss you too....who is this guy? ;)[/QUOTE]

Just some poor guy that can't afford a suby 😔

touge-n00b 02-18-2013 11:50 PM


speed limit on Tantalus is 25


Isn't it 15?

....still either way, it ain't 30.

04sleeper 02-19-2013 12:03 AM

no it's 25 but the some of the tight hairpins drop it to 10.

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