The Diaries of JOEBOBBUCKET (ADUT: Rant)

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Old 11-10-2008, 06:01 PM
08.11.84 - 02.14.10
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The Diaries of JOEBOBBUCKET (ADUT: Rant)

This story is not meant for your entertainment it is a way for me to vent the frustrations that I have in my life. I feel that not everything needs to be posted about my life on the internet so I have left out a few of the details that are not related to the story but were a added frustration. I sure am glad that week is over. I do not wish to have to repeat that again. With the story that I have written it may not seem as bad as it really was. I tried my best to make it less crazy then it really was as it makes a better story that way. Ballz and Gibz can vouch for the week that I really did have.

It all started with a crappy Wednesday. I spent over a hour and a half driving the 17 miles from my home to work. Normally it would take me about 20-30 minutes depending on home many retards are on the road and how many left lane cruisers everyone else is trying to get around. So after much mental anguish I finally got to work. When I got there, someone was parked in my usual spot right up front so I parked on the other side of the three front spots and pushed it to the side to leave a gap cause I hate people that open their doors into my car.

I started my work day knowing that it would be fairly stressful but that was ok. I was going to get it all done and make it as good of a day as I could. So I worked away running all over the place getting it all done and making some decent headway with the mountain of things that had piled up on my desk. Then about 9:30 we had a earth quake drill (see my other thread). This is a huge waste of time for the average JOEBOB like me. We spend a couple hours standing around doing nothing and just waiting for them to tell us we can go back to our offices and get back to work. Ordinarily I would be all for wasting time and talking to people but I had so much to do. So I sucked it up and did the drill. I spent the time talking to a friend from the building across the street about traveling and the places we would like to go to and the places we have been. It was interesting but I mainly just wanted to talk to the beautiful girl that was there talking to him too. So we all chit chatted for a while until we got the all clear. I went back to my office and got yelled at for not responding to a email that I got right as I was leaving the building for the drill. I would normally leave for lunch about 11:30 to 12ish. Due to the things that I was working on, I did not get out of my office till 1pm. I thought to myself, ok thats cool a lot of the people will be back or getting back from lunch so that means everywhere would be less crowded. I walked out to my car and I unlocked it so I could place my backpack in my passenger seat. While I was walking up to my car I see a big white mark on my door. I knew I had been dinged by the douche next to me. The vehicle that parked next to me is a bucket. It is dented and dinged on everybody panel and runs like crap (thats a Dodge minivan for you...). So I went back inside to talk to the owner of the vehicle as he works in the same building as me. I ask him about it and he denies it. We walked out the cars and he still denied it even though it was right where his door would hit mine. At this point I had run out of patience so I said screw it. Then I look down at my tire to see that it is almost dead. I babied my car the block to the motor pool so I could put some air in it and take it to the tire shop to get it patched.

I was unsure where the nearest tire shop was as a lot of them had closed recently. So I called Gibz and she used "the google" to find the nearest one to me. So I get there and pull into the lot and park my car. I go inside to get someone to help me so I can explain what I need done. A young guy by the name of Matt speaks up and asks me what I need. I reply with I need to get my front passenger tire patched as there is a nail in it. He asked if the Subaru that just pulled in was mine. I said yes. As we were walking out to my car he asked me if I have ever been to the tire place in Campbell, I replied with a yes as I had them dismount a tire and put it on a new rim for me. He then went on to tell me that he was the guy that did that for me. It was a long time ago but he remembered my car as it is a fairly unique color and remembered the gold rims. So we looked at the car and got it all figured out and walked back in. As he was taking down my info he looked me up in their system and that was two years ago he met me. So he goes on to tell me that he thinks they can fix the tire. So I say ok and walk across the street to In n Out to get some lunch as this is supposed to be my lunch hour. So I grab some food and come back and wait around for a bit. Well they eventually come to me and say that they cannot patch the tire and that they have placed the donut on there for me. Ok great...

I drive back to work and park my car. I start in on work again as there was so much to do in such a short period of time. My afternoon only had two hours left to it but I had to go to a meeting. I get there and there is a room full of Oompa Loompas'. I spent the whole hour meeting sneezing and coughing. I avoided looking at them and stared at my computer screen. It was a room full of the most disheveled people you can imagine in a office environment. So I start to work away and get things done. I make some phone calls and finally decide to order some new tires. I had not been paid yet and needed to see if I had enough money in the bank to order them. I walked the 20 minutes to the bank to ensure that before I ordered them. So I finalized it and placed my order. I then proceeded to call Gibz to see if she could give me a ride home as I did not want to drive on the little donut just to have to come back and drive even further to get my tires put on. So she agrees to come pick me up so I start to walk towards the gate to meet her. While I am walking I get a phone call asking to meet with me tonight. I explain to them everything that is going on and that I cannot do it for a few more hours as I had other things I needed to take care of. I try to push the meeting to the next day due to the crappy day I had just gone through and it was still not done. I try and try but he kept insisting that it had to be done that night. So I say fine... Come pick me up and drop me off at home. It was easier for me to meet then to deal with the 50 phone calls I would have gotten till I met up. So I made my way to the gate and met with Gibz. I then realized I didn't even know if the tire shop put my rim back in my car after they placed the donut of shame on my poor Subie. So instead of me walking for 30 minutes to get back to my office to check it, I borrowed her car for a couple minutes and drive back in to my office. One of my coworkers saw me driving in a different Subie. They asked if I had gotten a new car. I said "no it’s my moms car", then they kinda had a puzzled look on their face cause they knew my biological mom had moved to Hawaii and drove a Acura. They proceeded to say that it was a nice car and ask if we were a Subie family and I said "yes my dad has one too". He said "are they all modded". "Yes they are...". I checked for my rim and they did indeed place it back in the car. I drove back out the gate and Gibz and I proceeded along our way.

After a few hours I am finally done with all my other stuff so I can go to my meeting. He comes and gets me and we went to Bj's to grab a bite to eat. We walk in and the hostess greats us and asks if it just the two of us, we replied with a yes. At this point some other worker guy swoops in and says he will seat us to which the hot blonde hostess says no you will not, and grabs two menus and walks in and asks us where we would like to sit. We sat down at our table and took a look at the menus. My friend goes to the restroom and she comes back to take out drink order so I order for us and make some small talk with the rather cute blonde haired blue eyed girl. We eat and discuss business and go over our paperwork while we eat. The girl was the highlight of my day after the way it had gone before. It was nice to see a cute friendly girl making sure we were well taken care of. My friend was laughing at me as I admired the waitress when she would come to us to see if there was anything else we needed. There was something about this girl, I could not take my eyes off her. She was that captivating for some reason. I was not going to hit on her as I think that is rude to hit on a girl that is just doing her job. But I did enjoy the view as she worked. We finished up and I went home at that point.

Thursday, I asked Gma to drive me to work because I was hoping that my tires would come in and I could go to the shop to have them mounted. Gma dropped me off at the gate and I walked into my office. I started my work day with a barrage of people coming in and needing more things done. It just added to the pile that I was already working down. The morning went by fairly trouble free all things considered. Later that afternoon the hot big cheese boss lady comes in and tells me that there is a training that she would like me to attend. So I say ok. I get to the meeting about 3 pm and see the room full of little gremlins. They are all short and weasely looking. They all seem like lab rats that came out of the walls. It seemed like I walked onto a movie set and these evil eyed little gremlins were going to attack me. I sat a ways away from everyone else off in the corner. The guy that was giving the training didn’t really seem to know what he was talking about because he could never answer any of my questions. Each time I would ask something he would reply back with that’s a good question. I will get back to you with a answer. At that point I am thinking this fool is a waste of space. They were not hard questions and he could choose either answer A or answer B. I left the training and went back to my office to finish some stuff up. At the end of my work day I left and drove my car over to Gibz house hoping that Ballz would call and say my new shoes are in and I could come pick them up. I was not terribly disappointed that they did not come in. I kinda expected it honestly. So I hung out with Gibz while we waited for Ballz to get home for work and make out way out to MVKK. He finally got home and we headed over there. There was a parking lot full of people there. I guess they all wanted to see Lanz0r as a banana and JasaJin as a cow. They were pretty funny honestly. We all hung out there and had a good time. I met a few new people and saw some familiar faces there. We made our way over to Molly’s where another I-cluber met us. We all laughed and had such a great time. We got to see the aftermath of a drunk girl that puked Indian food and alcohol, and another bar “local” who apparently falls asleep there every night then makes his way home.

I borrowed the "grandma mobile" to go to work Friday. I get in the bucket and start my day. As I pull out of my driveway I see Demon Possessed pulling out of his driveway and we both head to the freeway half asleep and not really paying much attention other than to what is in front of us and to the sides. I make my way down the parking lot we call a freeway and eventually stroll into work. I know my day is going to be absolutely crazy at this point but I push forward like a soldier in battle. I start by reading the 136 emails I had received since the previous afternoon and start to plan my morning attack on the mountain piled on my desk. My morning is flying by and the Oompa loompa and one of her friends comes by my office as she has to talk to me about a procedure that she is trying to document so she wants me to review it and ensure it is correct. Keep in mind this is the same Oompa Loompa from my previous thread. She looks like a Mary Kay convention just exploded all over her. She is wearing that damn scent of some sort that makes me sneeze like crazy. So it immediately starts and I start to read the document while her and this other thing sit there. I make a few changes to it and give it back to them. Then they decide to try and make small talk with me. I give them one word answers and tell them I have a lot of other things to do. So they proceed to leave and my sneezing stopped a minute after.

Fridays I work a half day then go to school the other half. So after work I went to go get my car from Gibz house to see if I could get my tires put on. When I got there I realized I had not done my homework that was due later that afternoon. So I sat there and did homework for 2 hours and just barely finished it before I had to rush out the door and drive to school. I made it to school and got my homework turned in 2 minutes before the cut off. I sat down in class and relaxed for a minute as the teacher took role and handed us back out homework and midterm. I got back my homework but not my midterm. I asked why and he said he had issues printing it but he would get it to me as soon as the lecture was over. So class started I was paying attention but also distracted by the hot Indian girl (the dot not the feather) with the magnificent fun bags. The teacher lectured for about 1.5 hours and I sat there and waited for him to give me back my test but he sat there talking to some girl while we waited. 20 minutes went by and I finally got up and left class was over and I had other things to do.

I head back over to Gibz house to drop off the granny mobile and pick up the donut mobile and off to the shop. I am about 2 miles away from the shop and I throw a CEL, ahhh crap, just what I need… Kevin at AHQ was nice enough to pull it for me when I got there and basically my cat is not working up to par. Ballz makes some phone calls for me so I can get my tires mounted and move along my way. After a few calls he tells me to go to a shop and how to get there. I go there and talk to the people he told me to and they tell me it is going to be $145 to mount and balance 4 tires. I thought that was redonkulous and I almost pooped a brick right there. So I call Ballz back and have him talk to the people there. They come down in price and I am slightly less stressed at that point but it is still a lot more than the price I was quoted. I leave them to work on my car as I watch from across the way to make sure they treat my baby nice. I must say the workers that worked on my car were awesome. It took them about a hour to get to my car so I made some phone calls in the mean time and told Kelly I would be late to her berfday party. I also had to call gma and tell her that I would be late picking her up cause I was still at the shop. So they finish up with my car and I make my way back to Gibz house again to drop off my car and pick up the granny mobile cause I didn’t want to put more miles on mine. So I take off and head home to pick up the sweetest old lady and drive back to pick up my car. I got home and changed my clothes and brushed my teef and such in a hurry and then we drove back to get my car. She dropped me off and went along her way to meet up with her friend. I talked to Gibz for a few more minutes then made my way off to go see Kelly for her berfday. I got there and there was a few of us there but it was cool cause it was a small group of us that played games and had a drink and a good time.

I made my way home about 2 am to discover that there was grandma’s friend’s van parked in her parking spot. As I walked into my home I saw someone sleeping on my couch. So I proceed in and close and lock the door as quietly as I can. I start to walk back to my room and I can hear whispering coming from Grandma’s room. Her and her friend were in there talking about me coming home. I go into my room and close the door and pass out from the lack of sleep and the fact that I had been going like crazy since 7 am. I wake up the next day to hear a few people in my house. I would not mind that there are people there if I was told that someone was coming over let alone going to be there in the middle of the night sleeping on my couch. So I get up and go about my business and ignore them for the most part cause I am not a morning person. Do not talk to me if I have not been awake for more than 30 minutes. So I decide to go out and I get ready and leave. I got home somewhere around 5 am Sunday morning to see that they were still there. Again this would not be such a big deal had I been told. At 8 am I hear the munchkin kids making all kinds of noise and them laughing and having a grand ole time. I laid there for a little but longer contemplating getting up or not. I turned on my tv and watched “power block” for a little bit before venturing into the common areas. I finally made my way out into the living room and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I saw 3 extra people in my little home. I just ignored it and grabbed my water and headed back to my room. I sat there watching tv and surfing the intrawebz for a while. They finally leave that afternoon and I decide that I can come out of hibernation and do some laundry. At this point it is too late for me to do the things that I had wanted to complete. I decided it would be a nice evening to just relax and not do much of anything.

Those that post asking for cliff notes: If you don't want to read, don't it really is not that entertaining.

This is my 1000th post

Last edited by JOEBOBBUCKET; 11-10-2008 at 06:04 PM. Reason: Oh by the way this is my 1000th post.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:07 PM
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So touching.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:10 PM
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Too many words! I didnt make it past the first sentence.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:31 PM
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holly ****...i cant believe i just read all that
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:37 PM
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cliff notes??????
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:39 PM
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Someone please tell us in 1 sentence what he wrote about!
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:39 PM
08.11.84 - 02.14.10
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No notes, sorry...

Originally Posted by JOEBOBBUCKET
Those that post asking for cliff notes: If you don't want to read, don't it really is not that entertaining.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:44 PM
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:55 PM
It's QQ thankyouverymuch
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Damn Dan... Did you atleast get the white scuff from wednesday touched up?
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:57 PM
It's QQ thankyouverymuch
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Originally Posted by ldivinag
cliff notes??????
Originally Posted by Subyusmcguy
Someone please tell us in 1 sentence what he wrote about!
If you really care about it... Just read the whole thing, Otherwise Move along.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:57 PM
08.11.84 - 02.14.10
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it mostly buffed off but there is still a chip from where it hit. also my idiot neighbor keeps dinging me and leaveg little chips
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Old 11-10-2008, 07:14 PM
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Good thing I can read fast, then again my eyes burn now.. Love me being a part of your story :P


PS Sorry you had a bad week, hope this one makes up for it!
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Old 11-10-2008, 07:26 PM
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whee i am part of the story lol
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Old 11-10-2008, 07:29 PM
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Ask Ballz about playing with my utters
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Old 11-10-2008, 07:29 PM
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Holy Hell, that is a diary
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